Fitflop Toning Footwear National Class Action
QC Jan 19, 2018 [fr]
Jugment de clôture -
ON Nov 09, 2016 [en]
Discontinuance Order -
QC Aug 24, 2016 [en]
Judgment Approving Settlement -
QC Jul 25, 2016 [en]
Avis aux membres du groupe -
QC Jul 25, 2016 [en]
Notice to Class Members -
QC Jul 08, 2016 [en]
Judgment Approving Notice to Class Members -
QC Jul 05, 2016 [fr]
Convention de règlement -
QC Jul 05, 2016 [en]
Settlement Agreement -
ON Feb 21, 2014 [en]
Statement of Claim -
QC Feb 20, 2014 [fr]
Judgment Granting Authorization -
QC May 09, 2013 [fr]
Preliminary Motion Judgment -
QC Oct 19, 2012 [en]
Motion for Authorization
For more information or for any questions, please contact the Claims Administrator at 1-855-730-8627 or visit the website
On October 19, 2012, Consumer Law Group commenced a class action against Fitflop relating to men’s and women’s style sandals, boots, clogs, slippers, and shoes marketed with the company’s “Microwobbleboard Technology”.
On July 5, 2016, the parties reached a proposed national settlement. A copy of the settlement agreement is available here:
• Settlement Agreement
• Convention de règlement
On July 8, 2016, Superior Court of Quebec scheduled a Motion for the Approval of the Settlement Agreement for August 24, 2016 at 9:00 AM at the Montreal Court House located at 1, Notre-Dame St. East, Montreal, Quebec in room 2.08.
• Judgment on Pre-Approval Notice
The Court ordered publication of the following notice regarding this hearing:
• Pre-Approval Notice (English)
• Avis de préapprobation (Français)
To fill out an online claim form, please go to www.
CONSUMER LAW GROUP has launched a Canada-wide class action lawsuit against FitFlop on behalf of individuals who have purchased all past and present men’s and women’s style sandals, boots, clogs, slippers, and shoes marketed with the company’s “Microwobbleboard Technology”(the “Footwear”).
The class action involves the deceptive, misleading, false, and unfair advertising of the FitFlop Footwear’s ability to:
- Improves core muscle strength
- Absorbs shock on feet, knees and back
- Encourages better posture and stronger muscles
- Burns calories
- Mimics barefoot walking, but with more of a challenge
- Can help reduce cellulite and slim and tone thighs
- Improves muscle tone
- Strengthens and tones muscles in the feet, legs, buttocks, stomach and back
- Increases leg muscle activity and circulation
- Reduces lower back strain
- Reduces hip joint stress
- Increases quadriceps muscle activation (up to 16%)
- Reduces knee joint stress
- Increases calf muscle activation (up to 11%)
- Reduces ankle joint stress
- Reduces foot pressure concentration;
- Increases bottom muscle activity (up to 30%)
- Increases hamstring muscle activation (up to 16%);
In fact, the only independent and reliable scientific study on the subject demonstrated that there is no evidence to support the claims that FitFlop Footwear will help wearers exercise more intensely, burn more calories or improve muscle strength and tone.
As a result, consumers were induced into purchasing Footwear that do not live up to their promised results, thereby causing them economic damages equal to the purchase price of these products.
To post a comment, please visit our blogs at
The class action lawsuit identifies the group of affected persons as:
All residents in Canada who have purchased FITFLOP Footwear, or any other group to be determined by the Court.
If you or someone you know has bought any past and present men’s and women’s style sandals, boots, clogs, slippers, and shoes marketed with FitFlop’s “Microwobbleboard Technology”(the “Footwear”) and you wish to obtain more information on potential compensation or to be kept advised of the status of the FitFlop Footwear Class Action litigation or any resulting compensation resulting from the FitFlop Footwear Class Action Lawsuit in Canada, Quebec or Ontario, please provide your contact information to our law firm using the below form.
IF YOU WISH TO JOIN THE CLASS ACTION OR TO SIMPLY GET MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW. Please note that providing your information creates no financial obligation for you. You are not charged any fee or cost for joining this class action. Our law firm is paid a contingency fee from the compensation recovered, only if the class action is successful. All information contained in this transmission is confidential and Consumer Law Group agrees to protect this information against unauthorized use, publication or disclosure.