Lawn Mower Horsepower Overstatement Class Action
QC Jan 21, 2019 [fr]
Version complète de l’avis -
QC Jan 21, 2019 [en]
Long-Form Notice -
QC Jan 21, 2019 [fr]
Version abrégée de l’avis -
QC Jan 21, 2019 [en]
Short-Form Notice -
QC Nov 06, 2018 [fr]
Judgment Approving Settlement Tecumseh & Kawasaki -
QC Sep 13, 2018 [fr]
Protocole de distribution -
QC Sep 13, 2018 [en]
Distribution Protocol -
QC Sep 13, 2018 [fr]
Version complète de l’avis -
QC Sep 13, 2018 [en]
Long-Form Notice -
QC Sep 13, 2018 [fr]
Version abrégée de l’avis -
QC Sep 13, 2018 [en]
Short-Form Notice -
QC Sep 13, 2018 [fr]
Avis de publication -
QC Sep 13, 2018 [en]
Publication Notice -
QC Sep 11, 2018 [en]
Judgment on Notice Approval - Tecumseh and Kawasaki -
QC Aug 10, 2018 [fr]
Entente de Règlement Tecumseh -
QC Aug 10, 2018 [en]
Settlement Agreement Tecumseh -
QC Jun 04, 2018 [fr]
Entente de Règlement Kawasaki -
QC Jun 04, 2018 [en]
Settlement Agreement Kawasaki -
QC Dec 20, 2017 [fr]
Judgment on Suspension -
QC Nov 17, 2015 [en]
Judgment Approving Settlement Honda -
QC Sep 25, 2015 [fr]
Avis aux membres -
QC Sep 25, 2015 [en]
Notice to Class Members -
QC Sep 24, 2015 [en]
Judgment Approving Notice Approval -
QC Feb 25, 2015 [fr]
Convention de règlement Honda -
QC Feb 25, 2015 [en]
Settlement Agreement Honda -
QC Sep 25, 2013 [en]
Judgment Approving Settlement -
QC Jul 20, 2013 [fr]
Version complète de l’avis -
QC Jul 20, 2013 [en]
Long-form Notice -
QC Jul 20, 2013 [fr]
Version abrégée de l’avis -
QC Jul 20, 2013 [en]
Short-Form Notice -
QC Jul 05, 2013 [en]
Judgment Approving Notice of a Hearing -
QC Jun 26, 2013 [fr]
Accord de règlement Briggs and Stratton et al. -
QC Jun 26, 2013 [en]
Settlement Agreement Briggs and Stratton et al. -
QC Sep 29, 2010 [en]
Accord de règlement MTD -
QC Sep 29, 2010 [en]
Settlement Agreement MTD -
QC May 10, 2010 [en]
Motion for Authorization
For more information, click here
This case has now settled with all defendants for a total of $7,535,000. The final settlements, lawyers’ fee request, and the method of distributing settlement funds to class members must be approved by the courts. Settlement Approval Hearings are scheduled for October 25, 2018 at 10:00 A.M. in Ontario and on October 31, 2018 at 2:15 P.M. in Quebec.
Fourth and fifth settlement agreements have been reached in the Lawn Mowers Class Action. Kawasaki has agreed to pay $785,000.00 and Tecumseh has agreed to pay 1,550,000 for the benefit of Settlement Class Members. A copy of the Settlement Agreements are available here:
• Settlement Agreement Kawasaki
• Settlement Agreement Tecumseh
By Judgment dated September 11, 2018, the Superior Court of Quebec scheduled an Application for Settlement Approval of the settlement agreements for October 31, 2018 at 2:15 P.M. at the Montreal Court House located at 1, Notre-Dame St. East, in Montreal, Quebec. The Court ordered the following notice regarding that hearing:
• Short-Form Notice
• Long-Form Notice
In addition, the following Distribution Protocol is being proposed:
• Distribution Protocol
For more information, click here
A third settlement agreement has been reached in the Lawn Mowers Class Action. Honda has agreed to pay $700,000.00 for the benefit of Settlement Class Members. A copy of the Settlement Agreement is available here:
• Settlement Agreement Honda
• Convention de règlement Honda
On September 24, 2015, the Superior Court of Quebec scheduled a motion for authorization of the action as a class action and approval of the settlement agreement for November 5, 2015 at 8:45 A.M. at the Montreal Court House located at 1, Notre-Dame St. East, Montreal, Quebec, in courtroom 2.08. The Court ordered the following notice regarding that hearing:
• Notice to Class Members
• Avis aux membres
In 2010, class actions were initiated in Ontario by Harrison Pensa LLP and in Quebec by Consumer Law Group Inc. against all of the manufacturers of lawn mowers in Canada, including: Sears, John Deere, Tecumseh, Platinum Equity, Briggs & Stratton, Kawasaki, MTD, Toro, Honda, Electrolux, Husqvarna, and Kohler.
It is alleged that these companies participated in an unlawful conspiracy to raise, fix, maintain or stabilize the price of lawn mowers in Canada, lessen unduly competition in the production, manufacture, sale and/or supply of lawn mowers and lawn mower engines, and/or to conduct business contrary to the Competition Act and the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act.
The following lawn mowers are the subject of the litigation:
Lawn Mowers purchased in Canada between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 2012 containing a gas combustible engine labeled at 30 horsepower or less.
Two settlement agreements have been reached in the Lawn Mowers Class Action. Under the first agreement, MTD has agreed to pay $300,000.00 for the benefit of Settlement Class Members and to provide evidence and co-operation to the Plaintiffs in pursuing their claims against the remaining Non-Settling Defendants. The MTD Settlement also resolves the allegations and litigation against Sears. Under the second agreement, Briggs, Electrolux, John Deere, Husqvarna, Kohler and Toro have agreed to pay $4,200,000.00 for the benefit of Settlement Class Members. A copy of the Settlement Agreements are available here:
• Settlement Agreement MTD
• Accord de règlement MTD
• Settlement Agreement Briggs and Stratton et al.
• Accord de règlement Briggs and Stratton et al.
On July 5, 2013, the Superior Court of Quebec scheduled a motion for authorization of the action as a class action and approval of the settlement agreement for September 25, 2013 at 9:30 AM at the Montreal Court House located at 1, Notre-Dame St. East, Montreal, Quebec, in courtroom 2.08. The Court ordered the following notice regarding that hearing:
• Short-form Notice
• Long-form Notice
• Version abrégée de l’avis
• Version complète de l’avis
CONSUMER LAW GROUP has launched a Canada-wide class action lawsuit against John Deere, Tecumseh, Briggs & Stratton, Kawasaki, MTD, Toro, Honda, Electrolux, Husqvarna, Kohler, Sears, and Platinum Equity on behalf of individuals who own a gas lawn mower with an engine of less than 30 horsepower.
The class action is based on these companies secretly conspiring to advertise and sell their lawn mowers and engines at a higher horsepower than their actual true horsepower, thereby artificially inflating the sale price to consumers.
The lawn mowers involved include:
o All those containing a gas combustible engine with less than 30 horsepower
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The class action lawsuit identifies the group of affected persons as:
All residents in Canada who purchased a lawn mower containing a gas combustible engine up to 30 horsepower (“Lawn Mower”), where the Lawn Mower and/or engine of the Lawn Mower was manufactured or sold by the Respondents, since January 1, 1994 through to the present, or any other group to be determined by the Court.
If you or someone you know owns a gas lawn mower with an engine of less than 30 horsepower and you wish more information on potential compensation or to be kept advised of the status of the Lawn Mower Horsepower Overstatement Class Action
litigation or any resulting compensation resulting from the Lawn Mower Horsepower Overstatement Class Action Lawsuit in Canada, Quebec or Ontario, please provide your contact information to our law firm using the below form.
IF YOU WISH TO JOIN THE CLASS ACTION OR TO SIMPLY GET MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW. Please note that providing your information creates no financial obligation for you. You are not charged any fee or cost for joining this class action. Our law firm is paid a contingency fee from the compensation recovered, only if the class action is successful. All information contained in this transmission is confidential and Consumer Law Group agrees to protect this information against unauthorized use, publication or disclosure.